Johnna is a graduate of Pineville and resides in Pineville. Johnna was employed and retired as a nurse. She has been a long time member of the Main Street Board and has been recently named one of the Part-time Main Street Directors. She enjoys meeting with people and planning the Main Street Events and the downtown decor.
Shannon is a Pineville graduate and a resident of Pineville. She has been involved in the private business world and now works at Pineville Independent as part of the IAL Grant. She has been involved as a Main Street Board Member and is now a Part-time Main Street Director, who focuses on Main Street Events, making Community Connections and the financial part of Main Street.
Tammy recently retired from teaching at Pineville Independent and now works as a for Partners for Rural Impact as a Project Director for the STOP-V Grant. She was previously a Main Street Board member and is now a part-time Director in her spare time. manages the Website, State & National Main Street requirements and applies for grants on behalf of Main Street.